About GNight Fetcher

Impact driven, female led, providing healing solutions rooted in psychology

GNight Fetcher is a startup helping pet guardians memorialize beloved animals and heal through nature-inspired, decorative pet memorial products.

As pet parents ourselves, we offer resources for fellow pet parents who often don’t find the necessary support as they care for and prepare for the transition of beloved fur babies.

We use proceeds from purchases to help animals around the world find a loving home.

Our co-founder, Harrison, graduated Northwestern University with a degree in Psychology and Masters in Design. We ensure the products are not just visionally appealing, but rooted in science to support you on your healing journey.

Founding Story Gallery

Compassionate Guide Through Grief at GNight Fetcher

At GNight Fetcher, we provide compassionate support in easing your grief journey.

If you are feeling overwhelmed about caring for your loved one and decisions related to end of planning, GNight Fetcher is offering free initial consults with our in house, certified grief guide, Mia Perpetua. Whether you are looking for a space to just talk it out, help with processing grief, guidance on cremation v.s. burial, what to do with cremains, and how to celebrate life - GNight Fetcher is here to support you every step of the way.

A Personal Message from our Hoomans

We hope you enjoyed scrolling through our story gallery. We’d like to shed a bit more light in writing about our founding inspiration behind GNight Fetcher, as people have been surprised that we went from MBAs to corporate & investing careers to start a business in the deathcare space.

Being pet parents exposed us to this new world of co-dependency with an animal, unconditional love, and exhilaration of parenthood. Being a pet parent also forced us to begin preparing to say goodbye. Though Birdie is just 3, not being able to say a final goodbye to my family dog who died suddenly made us realize the importance of being prepared no matter how early.

It is always, but at the same time, never, too early. Momento Mori is a beautiful Latin reminder that we all will die and that death is a natural part of life.

We hope for GNight Fetcher to be a place not just to grieve, but a safe space to talk about & prepare for the inevitable death. Our products are sacred spaces for animal souls. They’re closure for humans. They’re also where the healing starts.

If you have ideas, questions, people you think could benefit from being a part of this community — please send them our way. Our products are as good as your feedback :)

Our Furry Team

At GNight Fetcher, our founding hoomans could not have come this far without these two fur balls. Please meet Birdie - our Chief Bark Officer, and Coco - our Chief Guardian Angel, who inspired our beautiful pet memorial products.

orange pomeranian pet urn for dog ashes

  • Birdie is our 3 year old Pomeranian who has a passion for hunting yogurt and her mom’s scrunchies. As Chief Bark Officer, Birdie is in charge of supporting (and protecting through ferocious Pomeranian barks) her mom while building G’Night Fetcher.

pet art dog memorial portrait
  • Coco is our late Maltese who is guiding us from across the rainbow bridge. We thank Coco for all the joy he brought to us and the design inspirations for our pet memorial products, especially the Orchid Urn.

In-House Design & Production

  • Designed in NYC

    Our design team has years of experience in art & psychology. We strive to ensure our designs are user friendly yet aesthetically honors life

  • Handmade in-house

    We work with our family business based in Asia with more than 30 years of experience crafting gifts and figurines at scale for major US retailers

  • Thoughtfully delivered

    We take quality seriously. We ensure all our urns are hand crafted and painted to reflect the nature-inspired beauty we hope to convey through our designs

For Pet or Human?

Our mission is to help people honor loved one - whether human or pet.

You are at the right place if:

  • You are caring for an elderly or terminally ill family member - whether pet or human

  • Your beloved family member has passed away (we are so sorry for your loss)

  • Someone you care about is going through the above, and might appreciate the gift of a beautiful keepsake